Category Archives: Panama

Panama to Colombia via Catamaran

On December 11th we left Panama City to meet 3 other passengers in Miramar, Panama. We were told we could easily find a lancha to take us to the “Jacqueline” from here. Upon arriving we found out this was far from the truth. The only man willing to take the two hour journey in his lancha wanted $250 for the six of us. Since we had no other choice, we agreed and were to meet him at 630am. The next morning was extremely windy and the waves were high. The six of us loaded the speed boat and took our seats. We thought it was a kind gesture for the captain to cover our bags with a tarp. Little did we know the tarp wouldn’t stand a chance against the high seas!

Two hours later after agonizing bumps and a ton of salt water in our face we met our Captain and 12 fellow passengers of the Jacqueline!


Other passengers on our catamaran.



Finally arriving in Cartagena!

Volcan Baru

After our waterfall hike we took about a four hour nap from 7 to 11pm. At midnight we began our 6 hour trek up Volcan Baru!
The reason for this hike is because from the top of the inactive volcano you are able to see both the Pacific ocean and Caribbean Sea. However, when we finally reached the top at 6am it was cold, snowy/rainy, very windy, and cloudy. So needless to say we waited about an hour to see if it cleared up, but nope. So, we turned around and hiked back down in 3.5 hours. Here are some pics and video of the trek.


Waterfall Hike on Quatzales Trail near Boquete

On our first day in Boquete we decided to not waste anytime and jump right into the outdoors with a hike on the Quatzales Trail in search of waterfalls. Joining us were our new Swiss friends we met in Bocas del Toro, Joel and Sara.

Along the trail we were able to see the beautiful landscape of the Parque National Bajo Mono.


Las cascadas de Boquete.

There were three waterfalls on this hike, however, we chose to not climb to the third one in order to save our energy and legs for the next days hike up Volcan Baru (see Volcan Baru post).
Here is waterfall #1:


Along the hike from the first to second waterfall Joel and I decided to walk up the cool rocky stream instead of the hot trail:



Here is waterfall #2 and the water was freezing:

