Category Archives: Huaraz


Cordillera Blanca is one of the most amazing places on the planet. Over 22 ostentatious summits over 6000m make this the highest mountain range in the world outside the Himalayas.
Both Peru’s highest point, the 6768m Huascarán, and the picture-perfect 5999m Artesonraju (rumored to be the mountain in Paramount Pictures’ live-action logo), loom here over the Andean villages.

Our first excursion was to see the extraordinary giant Puya raimondii plant (which can take 100 years to grow to its full height – often 10m!) and the glacier at Nevado Pastoruri.

Our second trek was 14 kilometers (5 hour hike) to the Lagunas Llanganuco, where there are spectacular views of Huascarán. It was cloudy but we caught a glimpse. Along the way we passed two stunning lakes , Laguna Chinancocha and Laguna Orconcocha. The hike culminated with the amazing Laguna 69. A stunning view with marvelous mountains and waterfalls! Truly breathtaking! Our favorite part of our trip to Huaraz by far!





